Joe Exotic’s Pierced Ears


Like many Americans quarantined at home, I too, got swept up in the Netflix phenomenon, Tiger King. Now that I study face reading, it’s kind of impossible to see a face like Joe Exotic’s and not have some thoughts about it.

There’s a lot to say about Joe Exotic’s face, but let’s focus on his ears, which have a lottttt of messages.

Joe’s ears are large and broad. When someone has ears like this, it usually means they’re a lot more comfortable taking risks than the average Joe (sorry, had to). This could mean someone who’s comfortable taking financial risks like starting their own business or physical risks like getting into a cage with wild animals.

In Joe’s case we saw a lot of risky behavior ranging from the not-so-healthy, like drug use, to the jaw-dropping boldness of running for President.

Every feature has a strength and a challenge associated with it. While we applauded Joe’s DGAF attitude some of the time, we would’ve also loved to see some more reasonable and conscientious behavior that didn’t end in a jail sentence.

Joe’s ears also stick out and tilt forward. These type of ears generally suggest that this person is going to be highly independent and do what he wants, not just conform because society says so. They also mean that Joe loves the sound of his own voice! We certainly saw that in those cringe-worthy morning meetings with his staff.

If Joe was in balance, he could be living out of the strengths of his ears. He could be a powerful communicator, questioning doing things the same way just because we always have, and taking bold action to create positive change in the world. These are qualities we’d want in a President!

Another important feature are the six piercings in Joe’s right ear. In face reading, the ears show us what our experience was like in childhood, with each part of the ear corresponding to a different age. Having this many piercings in this area suggests that Joe went through some significant difficulties around the ages of 12 and 13 that are affecting him to this day.

I don’t want to speculate on what happened, but at least now we can have some compassion for that little boy and the adult he is now. This is always the goal of face reading. It’s not to judge ourselves or others, but to understand with compassion and learn how to use our strengths to bring ourselves to balance.


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