Clear Your Energy and Let the Positive Vibes in.
Energy Clearing for People and Spaces
Energy clearing is like acupuncture for the spirit.
Every object, place, and living being has energy. This energy can be described as the vibe you get when you’re near a person or in a space. For example, some places are almost always associated with good vibes, like the beach, a waterfall, or national park.
Then there are places you walk into and you can’t wait to leave, like a neglected neighborhood or a crowded subway.
The same goes for people too. We can tell when someone’s giving off good vibes (positive energy) or bad vibes (negative energy).
And let’s face it, we’ve all had moments where we give off bad vibes ourselves!
Why does this happen? Because we are human and our thoughts, feelings, and experiences affect us and our energy.
Whenever we have a thought or a feeling it leaves a little imprint on our energy, which is then projected into the world. The stronger the thought or feeling, the stronger the imprint.
So when we worry about something over and over, have a traumatic experience, or even listen to news that makes us fearful, all of this can block our energy from flowing.
When our energy is blocked we may feel tired, stuck, anxious, sad, sick or a myriad of other negative feelings making it difficult to function.
In a personal energy clearing, I connect with your energy and gently lift layers of stuck energy, bringing balance back into your life.
Energy clearing can help you reduce recent stress, let go of old issues, increase love and joy, and bring new possibilities into your life.
Many people can sense their energy shifting during a session. Some people experience dramatic changes soon after a session and others feel the affects more subtly over time.
Just like energy can get stuck in a person, it can get stuck in a space, affecting the people in it. In a space clearing, of your home or office, I connect with the energy of the space and release stuck energy, which may be from current or former occupants, earth energies, or technology. Then I clear all the occupants of the space to harmonize your energy to the new energy of your environment.
Personal and space clearings can be done in-person or remotely.
Energy Clearing Services
Personal Energy Clearing
A personal energy clearing is done over a live phone call. You just sit back and relax while I tune into your energy and gently release stressed emotions and energetic blockages. I’ll have a conversation with you as I go to explain what’s clearing. Please be sure to be in a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted during the clearing. A personal clearing usually takes up to 50 minutes.
Ancestral Clearing (Existing Clients Only)
Sometimes there are inherited issues passed down the family line that can show up in your life. You may find there are some problems in your life that don’t go away no matter how much emotional work you put into trying to heal them. Inherited issues are energetic issues and need to be cleared energetically. An ancestral clearing is a live phone call that includes two personal clearings for you and clearings up your family line. This will be a series of 4 sessions.
Energy Clearing Gifts
There are some people in our lives we know would benefit from an energy clearing, but they’re not able to sit through a live clearing. Whether they’re a young child, in the hospital, or just busy, you can purchase an asynchronous clearing for them. They’ll get the same benefit as a live clearing without spending the time. This is different than a clearing gift certificate, which is for a live session. Please email me for this offering.
Space Clearing
In a remote space clearing, I clear your home using a floor plan drawn by you. I will move through your floor plan clearing any stressed energy that may be negatively affecting you. Personal clearings for everyone living in the home are included. Once I’m done, we will have a phone call to review the clearing. Please email me for this offering. Please note that space clearings take a lot of energy and this pricing is for a typical family home. For very large homes (6+ BR), multiple properties, or businesses, please email me for a quote.
What People Are Saying
“Every time I get a clearing with Elena I feel my stress level drop immediately. One time, right after the clearing, my boss who I didn’t get along with, resigned and I got a promotion!”
— Yuri K.
“I loved Elena’s space clearing! My home immediately felt more spacious and lighter. The best part was my baby, who we could never get to sleep, slept through that night and has been sleeping well since.”
— Gillian M.
“Elena’s energy work has helped me move through some deep trauma, heal relationships, and really feel confident about who I am at the core. She’s the best.”
— Jaden H.
How can I benefit from a personal energy clearing?
Have you ever been in a crowded shopping mall or a busy airport and just felt exhausted or even angry afterward? If you have, then you know what it’s like to be affected by energy that wasn’t even yours to begin with.
Energy clearing not only clears negative energy that attached to you from these external factors, but also clears recent and older stuck energy from your personal stressors.
Some of the benefits to clearing are:
stress reduction
positive shifts to current problems
getting unstuck
moving past limitations you may not have even known about
allowing in new possibilities
feeling a sense of peace and calm
When your energy is in balance life becomes much easier for you. Things work out the way they’re supposed to, you don’t have to push so hard, and the people around you are able to open their hearts to you, bringing more love and joy into your life.
What happens during a personal clearing?
For a personal clearing we’ll connect on a live call to do the clearing. You can just relax while I do all the work. You can lay down or sit up, whatever is most comfortable for you. You really don’t need to do anything special for the clearing, but some people like to set up a sacred space for the call, whatever that means to you.
I will be clearing several energy fields and talking you through each of them as I go. Throughout our conversation, I will be clearing your energy in gentle, but powerful ways.
Since energy clearing is so gentle, most people don’t feel much of anything at all. Some people who are more sensitive feel a mild relaxation, similar to listening to a guided meditation or getting a massage. You might have a thought or a memory that seems random, but usually that has to do with what’s clearing.
What can I expect after a clearing?
Immediately after a clearing some people may feel relaxed or even want to take a nap. Other people feel the opposite, they’re energized and ready to clean their whole house or start a project. And some may feel a bit emotional and have a good cry.
You can assume that all feelings are for the good and they will settle. Energy clearing only deals with negative energy and leaves your positive energy intact. Sometimes when stuck energy gets flowing again, it can spurt out (like an unkinked garden hose), before it flows smoothly again.
In the hours, days, and weeks after a clearing pay attention to how your life unfolds. Some people have big changes like winning the lottery (not guaranteed 😊), meeting their future partner, or getting a job offer.
For most people, the changes are less dramatic and linear than that, but also very significant. I recommend saying yes to any opportunities coming your way after an energy clearing since it’s very likely something good will come from them in the future.
How often should I have a personal clearing?
Even just one personal clearing can bring significant changes. Clearing works like peeling the layers of an onion, where some issues need to clear first before deeper issues are able to clear.
Clearing is a gentle and gradual process, with each clearing building on the progress of the previous clearing. Some people like to have one clearing a month, while others prefer once a week. You can always start with a single clearing and take it from there!
How can I benefit from a space clearing?
Just like our negative thoughts and feelings leave imprints on our personal energy field, they also leave small deposits in the space around us. This energy can build up over time making your home feel “off” and making you feel uncomfortable, tired, or even sick.
Not only is the energy of your home affected by the people who live there, but it’s affected by the people who lived there before you, the energy of the earth, and the technology inside.
Maybe the couple who lived in the home before you got divorced and had big blow-out fights in the living room. Maybe you even find yourself fighting with your partner in that same living room for no reason at all.
Like energy attracts like energy, so when the energy in your home in unbalanced, you feel unbalanced too, making it difficult to be happy.
Some of the benefits to space clearing are:
increased energy
breakthroughs in relationships
peacefulness in your space
feeling comfortable in your home
decreased brain fog
better sleep
help with clutter
Yes, a space clearing can even help with de-cluttering! I recommend not cleaning your space more than you normally would before a clearing. In most cases, clutter is a symptom of the stuck energy in the space. After a clearing, many people find that de-cluttering comes easily to them.
When the energy of your home is in balance, you will find your home a very pleasant place to be. You won’t feel sucked into the couch, or on the other extreme, agitated and anxious in your space. Your home will be a sacred space of peace and comfort.
What happens during a space clearing?
For a remote space clearing, first we’ll connect on the phone for a free consultation. You can tell me about what you’re experiencing at home and about your layout.
Then I’ll ask you to email me some drawings of each floor in your house, showing me each room and major pieces of furniture. The drawings don’t need to be anything fancy or to scale. We’ll also set up a time for a call to review the clearing once it’s completed.
At the time of the clearing, I will tune into each room in your home and release any stressed energies I find. Stressed energy can come from a variety of sources, such as stuck emotions from a home’s occupants, energies coming up from the earth, and even our smart phones and laptops.
After I clear the energy in the home, I will do a personal clearing for everyone who lives there, harmonizing your energy with the fresh energy of your home.
What can I expect after a space clearing?
After a space clearing, most people feel a shift in energy that makes their home feel lighter and more spacious. You may feel a sense of calm, relaxation, and peace with your environment.
Many people report positive shifts in their relationships and less arguments within the home. Some people feel a desire to re-arrange their furniture after or de-clutter. For those who work at home, it may become easier to get your work done and creativity flows freely.
When our home is balance life will naturally unfold in beautiful ways.
More Praise for Energy Clearing
“I was feeling really overwhelmed from all the Coronavirus stuff going on, especially when my kids daycare closed. Elena cleared my energy which thankfully took the edge off. Then the next day, I randomly got a raise!”
— Lindsay H.
“I’m always have so many thoughts running through my head and can easily feel anxious. When Elena clears my energy my anxiety immediately melts away.”
— Alla K.
“I’m a reflector which means I’m sensitive to other people’s energy and take on their stuff right away. When Elena cleared me it felt like this heaviness was lifted. I felt like I had so much more energy and felt like myself again.”
— Krissy L.